Illuminate is an educational simulation game where players explore solutions to the impacts of climate change. 

The game was designed and developed by the  Waterloo Climate Institute in partnership with the Games Institute at the University of Waterloo. A multi-disciplinary team of students, staff, and faculty collaborated in the development of the game. Illuminate is presented in partnership with Protect our Winters and Hot Planet Cool Athletes

Illuminate teaches players about the impacts of climate change while inspiring hope and motivating Canadians to take action and find effective solutions that will help shape our future. 

In Illuminate, players must complete two missions to finish the game. In mission 1 players will explore ways to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Decisions in mission 1 will lead players to a high or low carbon scenario in mission 2. In mission 2 players visit three types of Canadian communities (coastal, rural, and urban) and must take action to prepare communities for the impacts of climate change. 

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Download 58 MB
Version 26 Oct 19, 2020
Illuminate.apk 68 MB
Version 26 Oct 19, 2020


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(1 edit) (+1)

Nice game concept!